Category Archives: RPGDad

Daddy-Daughter Moments

We have had a lot of teaching moments, with the education going back and forth. Today, she taught me a new song – “The Bear Science of the Day” song. I taught her how to spit.

Exercise for Life

Children need little encouragement to exercise. RPGBaby runs hither, thither, yon and then hither again whenever possible. When she is not running, she is dancing. I, on the other hand, have been very bad about exercising for the past 2.5 years. I finally made it back into the gym this week, where I encountered a […]

Last Week’s Level Up

Almost two, and RPGBaby had a number of level ups last week: First time unzipping and taking off her own coat (without assistance); First time putting on her own shoes (again without assistance); and (most important) First time staying up past her bedtime gaming!  

Sneak Attack!

Sneak Attack is a Rogue’s best feature, and every dad has a bit of the rogue in him. I use sneak attack very rarely, but it has been very effective every time I did. Both times I instigated a sneak attack against RPGBaby, it was well planned and perfectly timed. The first time, shortly after […]

Update: Counting to D10 … er, D12

Before I posted that RPGBaby’s focus on D6s had both helped and maxed out her counting ability. Two weeks ago, however, she broke through that barrier and began counting reliably and clearly to 10. She also reliably recognizes the numbers even when they are out of order. She happily counts to 10, and gets elated […]