Tag Archives: fading suns

Livestreaming Your Way to a Better Game, Part 1

For years we developers had it drummed into our heads to never allow public scrutiny of a game until it was ready for prime time. The (warranted) fear is that negative previews can haunt a game long after it launches, no matter how good it becomes. Livestreaming has a similar dictum – if you want […]

Fading Suns: Noble Armada Greenlight

We are currently trying to get Fading Suns: Noble Armada greenlit on Steam, and would really appreciate your support: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=220478303 A number of people have asked why we are working on a Noble Armada computer game and not Emperor of the Fading Suns II. The short answer is that EFS took an exponentially larger budget […]

Fifth-Level Toddler?

Since we all know life exactly parallels games, how do infants advance? Do they gather experience and then make great leaps forward, as with a brooding drow yearning to be free in the Forgotten Realms, or do they advance bit by bit over time, like a vorox munching on al-Malik in the jungles of Ungavorox? […]

FSNA Bug Hunting

One of my personal GDC highlights was meeting with the Fading Suns: Noble Armada programmer and getting the latest build of the game working on my new iPad. Now the playtesting starts in earnest. Playtesting, also known as Quality Assurance (QA) and bug hunting, gives people the idea that all we do is sit around […]

Latest Noble Armada Trailer

Hey all, we have a new build of the Fading Suns: Noble Armada mobile game. Here’s a sneak peak!