Dragoncon 2024 Schedule

Got a fun Dragoncon schedule this year. Let me know what else I should attend.

Title: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deepfakes
Description: Deepfakes are digital manipulations to replace one person’s likeness convincingly with that of another, to intentionally deceive or to damage one’s reputation. Originally done with tools like Photoshop, the rapidly evolving world of generative AI has taken the threats to a whole new level.
Panelists: Thomas Mihill (M), Meredith Filak Rose, Andrew Greenberg
Time: Thu 07:00 pm
Location: 313-314 Hilton (Length: 1 Hour)

Title: Indie Game Developers Roundtable
Description: A discussion on the state of independent game development in Georgia, recent changes to the industry, and what is on the horizon. Q&A to follow the panel’s discussion.
Panelists: Andrew Greenberg(M), Karen Williams, Jesse Jacobson, Valencia Coleman, Christopher Mifsud
Time: Sat 10:00 am
Location: Augusta E-H Westin (Length: 1 Hour)

Title: Digital Music Streaming: Where Does All the Money Go?
Description: Streaming has overtaken physical media as the way music is heard these days, but the payouts to artists are so low that many can’t make rent, and even Taylor Swift is complaining about it. How much money is really being made, how is it being distributed, and how open and fair is the process?
Panelists: Lia Holland, Matthew Lane, Meredith Filak Rose(M), Andrew Greenberg
Time: Sat 01:00 pm
Location: 313-314 Hilton (Length: 1 Hour)

Title: 10 Rules for Dealing with Police Encounters
Description: Knowing and asserting your rights along with common sense can greatly improve the outcome of any police encounter. This is a documentary from flexyourrights.org. A question and answer session will follow the film.
Panelists: Andrew Greenberg(M), Cory S. Rosenberger
Time: Sat 10:00 pm
Location: 313-314 Hilton (Length: 1 Hour)

The photo is of Karen Williams demoing her indie game Urchins and Ink at yesterday’s STEAMsports event at the Westin Peachtree, the same building where we will have our indie game panel.

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