Tag Archives: childhood
Binary Baby
In the frenzy of Kickstarting Noble Armada: Lost Worlds, I have gotten behind on chronicling the epic adventures of RPGBaby. In fact, since I last wrote she leveled up to RPGToddler! Now two years and nine months, old, she regularly astounds me with insights far better than my own. Here are two that, for reasons […]
Teaching Archaic Skills
We have been developing a list of skills we want RPGBaby to learn, but we are quite aware many of them will be of little use when she grows up. For instance, RPGMom wants to teach her short hand so she will have a secret language. I want to teach her to dial a phone, […]
Daddy-Daughter Moments
We have had a lot of teaching moments, with the education going back and forth. Today, she taught me a new song – “The Bear Science of the Day” song. I taught her how to spit.
Exercise for Life
Children need little encouragement to exercise. RPGBaby runs hither, thither, yon and then hither again whenever possible. When she is not running, she is dancing. I, on the other hand, have been very bad about exercising for the past 2.5 years. I finally made it back into the gym this week, where I encountered a […]
Last Week’s Level Up
Almost two, and RPGBaby had a number of level ups last week: First time unzipping and taking off her own coat (without assistance); First time putting on her own shoes (again without assistance); and (most important) First time staying up past her bedtime gaming!