Tag Archives: rpg dad

Fifth-Level Toddler?

Since we all know life exactly parallels games, how do infants advance? Do they gather experience and then make great leaps forward, as with a brooding drow yearning to be free in the Forgotten Realms, or do they advance bit by bit over time, like a vorox munching on al-Malik in the jungles of Ungavorox? […]

More Proof of Fatherhood

I have been looking for a new wallet of late, but had no luck in the usual men’s and leather goods stores. So, as if to prove that I am ready to be an American dad, where do I finally find a wallet I like? Ace Hardware

Gaming Fatherhood

Introduction to RPGDad, or All I Need to Know about Fatherhood I Learned from Some Little Tan Books I have been an employee, boss, student, professor, mentor, mentee and more, but I think little has prepared me for the details of fatherhood as much as has my role as a gamer (maybe that just shows […]