Author Archives: HDIAndrew

Reclaiming a Sun, Part 3

Fiction for Noble Armada: Lost Worlds, set in the Fading Suns universe Little more than a day after they left the mining post, Tomas raised the expected alarm. A Decados frigate, carrying many more guns than their explorer, was heading directly toward the jumpgate. Its blasters could tear through the explorer’s shields in minutes, reducing […]

Reclaiming a Sun, Part 2

Fiction for Noble Armada: Lost Worlds, set in the Fading Suns universe Long ago this solar system had been part of humanity’s glorious Second Republic. During the Fall of that fabled civilization, many jumpgates had closed, leaving trillions of people isolated. Now Emperor Alexius had called on his Questing Knights to rediscover these Lost Worlds. […]

Rezoning Efforts in Tucker

Reposted here from social media This year has brought a surge of outside developers looking to rezone parts of Tucker for higher-density development. The City Council already rejected the effort to pack a bunch of houses in on Sarin Court. Another developer has applied to put 15 where two currently exist along heavily traveled Cooledge […]

Reclaiming a Sun, Part 1

Fiction for Noble Armada: Lost Worlds, set in the Fading Suns universe His father thought it was the lure of quick wealth, the sin of Manonism, that drew Leopold Hawkwood to this jumpgate. Acquiring the key that would let his small explorer, the Mane, pass through the gate had certainly cost Leopold dearly, and not […]

Binary Baby

In the frenzy of Kickstarting Noble Armada: Lost Worlds, I have gotten behind on chronicling the epic adventures of RPGBaby. In fact, since I last wrote she leveled up to RPGToddler! Now two years and nine months, old, she regularly astounds me with insights far better than my own. Here are two that, for reasons […]