Happy Father’s Day! Today has brought to mind the new way I am handling my task lists. Most game devs utilize some form of a task list, be it as a Gantt chart, a milestone checklist, or a bunch of posties (not pasties) littering the office. For me, one of the learning experiences in having a baby is the need to be really specific about the tasks I need to accomplish. For instance, in the past my task list had broad categories, like “Playtest Noble Armada” or “Contact SIEGE Speakers.”
For more reasons than I care to go into, that has proven less than optimal with a baby. Such broad tasks require that I have an hour uninterrupted in which to complete them (or at least 15 minutes). That has proven a tad unattainable. Thus my new tasks are more like, “Recreate firing arc bug,” “Contact a potential SIEGE keynote,” and the all-to-frequent “Find my cup of coffee.”
I’ve always prided myself on my multitasking, but babies take it to a whole new level, and I cannot keep that many tasks operating in my sleep-deprived mind. Even the baby tasks need to be broken down into very discrete steps:
- Respond to baby’s cries;
- Check diaper;
- Remove diaper;
- Remove lid from diaper pail;
- Drop diaper in pail;
- Pick up diaper from where it fell in a mess on the floor and place in pail;
- Open wet wipe container;
- Remove one wet wipe;
- Return the other five wipes that came out with it;
- Clean squirming baby;
- Realize you did need those other five wipes
- Remove more wipes;
- Clean squirming, wailing baby;
- Throw out wipes;
- Remove lid from diaper pail again;
- Throw out wet wipes again;
- Dry baby bum;
- Find next diaper while holding squirming, wailing, kicking baby;
- Indian wrestle baby into diaper and Velcro it closed;
- Attach Velcro to diaper instead of to baby;
- Rock baby back to some semblance of quiet while putting diaper pail lid back on before house explodes;
- Wash hands;
- Hear telltale noise of another infant bowel expulsion;
- Repeat.
Any other parents have to break down their task lists to this degree of granularity?
You need to assign Story Points to those tasks so we can measure your burndown rate at the next Sprint meeting. Always be Agile!
Child-rearing is not a scrum, but a modified waterfall … with most of the waterfall landing on the parents 😉