Tag Archives: Blog Post

Bug Hunting Baby

When I cry, there can be any of a myriad number of reasons – pain, sadness, lag, death of a character, rolling too many fumbles, existential angst, lack of coffee, existential lack of coffee, etc. – but our daughter is much more of a stoic than am I. When she cries, there is one of […]

That Speaking Thing

No, not RPGBaby’s speaking. While she coos a lot, she is only speaking in my wife and my heads, and we get to make up the words. This is about public speaking, as we have opened SIEGE for speaker requests. I can’t even begin to count the number of presentations I have given at conventions, […]

First Words

So, I have been using “Stories from the Age of Sleepy Parents” as RPGDad’s motto, but other catchphrases have been bubbling up (much like my daughter’s milk after a good feeding). I would love your feedback on the following, but don’t do it here. Instead, I have taken over the far-too-infrequently used RPGDad hashtag and […]

Sexy Baby

#RPGDad got a shout out from one of the last places I ever expected:@sexyfandom  http://sexyfandom.com/archives/2015/08/spawn-nerds-collide-andrew-greenbergs-rpgdad/ …

Mad Baby Skillz

While level-based systems do well explaining some aspects of childhood where we can make great progress all of a sudden, like turning over and breast feeding, most of our skills advance slowly and methodically, like Donald Trump’s hair piece taking over his brain. In adults, these skill progressions happen slowly. For instance, most adults have […]