Tag Archives: fsna
Kickstarting the Suns
Developer Diary 3 We are debating running a Kickstarter for Fading Suns: Noble Armada. While we self-funded the game (read: I worked on it in my spare time rather than pay myself), there are a few things that would benefit from funding. These include: Hiring a programmer to port it to other platforms (right now […]
What is Fading Suns: Noble Armada?
Developer Diary 2 Holistic Design Inc. first released the Fading Suns universe in the role playing game of the same name (Check out Ulisses Spiele’s plans for the tabletop game). Emperor of the Fading Suns was our first computer game set in the universe. A few years later we began work on the Noble Armada […]
Live Playtest of Fading Suns: Noble Armada
Developer Diary 1 It’s always scary to debut your game to new eyes. We want the feedback and criticism, yet are afraid of it at the same time. What if there really is a bug? Time to turn on the anti-negativity shields, don the rose-colored spectacles, and rush into the fray … or at least […]
Livestreaming Your Way to a Better Game, Part 1
For years we developers had it drummed into our heads to never allow public scrutiny of a game until it was ready for prime time. The (warranted) fear is that negative previews can haunt a game long after it launches, no matter how good it becomes. Livestreaming has a similar dictum – if you want […]
FSNA Bug Hunting
One of my personal GDC highlights was meeting with the Fading Suns: Noble Armada programmer and getting the latest build of the game working on my new iPad. Now the playtesting starts in earnest. Playtesting, also known as Quality Assurance (QA) and bug hunting, gives people the idea that all we do is sit around […]