Merry Christmas and a happy Lux Splendor to everyone. At the beginning of the month we posted that we were thinking of running a Kickstarter to fund ports and further development of Fading Suns: Noble Armada. We got a good response to that, so we are seeing if we can get it going in January.
A couple friends in the GGDA are thinking about running a Kickstarter in 2018, so they asked me to share what we do for our campaign. As a result, I am going to start a Kickstarter Diary to run parallel to this Developer Diary.
We already know how much we need to raise (at least $3000), what we want to accomplish (pay for ports of the game to platforms other than PC) and what we can offer (various versions of the game and game tools). Thus, my first two tasks have been developing a Kickstarter video and compiling a list of sites and bloggers that could help promote the Kickstarter.
I have the video underway and hope to share it next week. The list of bloggers and other sites is taking a little longer to develop. The magazines that spread news about indie devs when HDI was in its heyday are long gone – Strategy First, PC Gamer, and the great CGW.
We have our eyes on a few. ProjectMQ is a great resource for indie game developers. GameSkinny does a wonderful job covering games both large and small.
There are a lot of good sites for games now, but which ones are accessible by smaller game devs? If you play indie games, which sites and bloggers do you follow?
Also, what would you like us to write about in the Kickstarter Diary?