Tag Archives: game dev
Live Playtest of Fading Suns: Noble Armada
Developer Diary 1 It’s always scary to debut your game to new eyes. We want the feedback and criticism, yet are afraid of it at the same time. What if there really is a bug? Time to turn on the anti-negativity shields, don the rose-colored spectacles, and rush into the fray … or at least […]
Never Thought I Would be Quoted on ESPN
Livestreaming Your Way to a Better Game, Part 1
For years we developers had it drummed into our heads to never allow public scrutiny of a game until it was ready for prime time. The (warranted) fear is that negative previews can haunt a game long after it launches, no matter how good it becomes. Livestreaming has a similar dictum – if you want […]
Fading Suns: Noble Armada Greenlight
We are currently trying to get Fading Suns: Noble Armada greenlit on Steam, and would really appreciate your support: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=220478303 A number of people have asked why we are working on a Noble Armada computer game and not Emperor of the Fading Suns II. The short answer is that EFS took an exponentially larger budget […]
Honored to be Named Digital Media Game Changer by TAG
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Andrew Greenberg Among Hub Magazine’s 2016 Media Technology Game Changers Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) publication releases latest issue focused on Digital Media & Entertainment Technology. ATLANTA, GA — September 28, 2016— The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), one of the nation’s largest state trade organizations dedicated to technology and innovation, recently […]